can we get some o7s for my bravery down in the chat?

    • HumanBehaviorByBjork [any, undecided]
      4 months ago

      unshits you gaze upon at my take

      but for real tho, i'm right. if i'm trying to tell someone to add me, i don't wanna have to open the app to check what my special party-assigned numbers are when i already have a username that i chose for the purpose of identifying me.

      • SSJ2Marx
        4 months ago

        Ah yes, my favorite part of creating an account on any given website checks notes having my first ten username ideas already taken.

        fuck that, the previous system was the perfect solution.

        • HumanBehaviorByBjork [any, undecided]
          4 months ago

          if you're that devoted to the idea of differentiating yourself with four random digits, there's nothing preventing you from stapling them to the end of your name