Removed from /c/worldnews as 'misinfo' despite coming from a credible source that is clear about the evidence backing up its reporting. Posting here instead.

EDIT: Beware the comments in this thread, which are attempting every possible derail. Here's what you are in for if you read the comments:

❌Reading the article

❌ Understanding the specific claims in the article

✅ Misrepresenting the article

✅ Falsely claiming there's no evidence in the article

✅ Moving the goalposts after realizing there actually is evidence in the article

✅ Derailing with unrelated topics

✅ Not engaging with the evidence but saying "no one cares"

✅ Attacking NYT's reputation by reference to unrelated articles

✅ Dogpiling with downvotes without responding to comments making legitimate points

✅ Mods inconsistently applying their own rules to remove comments they disagree with

This thread really has it all! If you also want to help derail, please be creative and add something different than the things listed above. I will be awarding originality points.

  • FuckyWucky [none/use name]
    4 months ago

    maybe US should solve domestic disinformation before going international, plenty of right wing (and liberal) newspapers reporting complete propaganda. also, maybe implement a GFW if you are that concerned about Russian disinfo.