• Adkml [he/him]
    3 months ago

    Oh come on the conspiracy theories about him actually being alive and hanging out with his best friend Tupac are going to be hilarious.

    Chuds are gonna post pictures of 90 year old women with perms from behind with captions like "still hiding in plain site, trust the plan"

    You don't wanna watch a dozen Maga dudes struggle to disinter him to prove he's not dead and accidently flop his rotting corpse with a perfectly intact toupee out on camera?

      • NewLeaf
        3 months ago

        I kind of don't think people as a group have enough follow through to start (more of a) cult around trump. We just don't have a collective attention span that lasts longer than a week. What we're seeing is more like a lifestyle brand than a group of people seriously committed to ideals.