• jsomae@lemmy.ml
    6 months ago

    Get outta here with this false equivalence. The marginal human suffering inflicted per year caused by Israeli's colonialism is incomparably greater than any other country's in the modern era.

    • Nakoichi [they/them]
      6 months ago

      The average life expectancy on the Pine Ridge reservation in South Dakota is 52 for men and 54 for women. Their land is contaminated from uranium mining and the US uses parts of it as a bombing range.

      What is happening in Israel is exactly what was done and is being done to indigenous people in all those other places too.

      • jsomae@lemmy.ml
        6 months ago

        A terrible injustice which of course needs to be corrected.

        The population in question is 20,000 people. That's about 400 people born per year with a life expectency of 60% the national average; arguably equivalent to 400 murders per year.

        Gaza has 2.4 million people with a similar life expectency. (The same math yields 50,000 effective murders per year.) Not to mention they are actively being bombed today, and their population is mostly children (under 18). This means that when someone is killed by an Israeli soldier, that someone is most likely a minor!

        • Bay_of_Piggies [he/him, comrade/them]
          6 months ago

          What is the point of isolating Pine Ridge within the United States to directly relate it to Israel's treatment of all Palestinians? Pine Ridge isn't the only indigenous community in the United States. The United States is just farther along the settler colonial project, that doesn't make it better or incomparable.

          • jsomae@lemmy.ml
            6 months ago

            Of course it's better to be further along the colonial project. Probably every country on earth could be considered colonial over some timespan. As that duration goes to infinity, the marginal damage per year inflicted by colonialism goes to zero. (The cumulative damage increases of course, to some upper bound.) This is basic calculus.

            • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
              6 months ago

              This is basic calculus.

              I don't think you're coming from the worst place, but maybe consider that quantifying marginal units of human suffering isn't the best framework for this type of discussion.

                • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
                  6 months ago

                  I'm going to say the folks who'd slit your throat if it makes enough other people feel warm and fuzzy do not have the best framework to reduce human suffering

                    • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
                      6 months ago

                      Obviously not.

                      What you're missing is that most ethical frameworks see human life as valuable enough that it should only be taken in the most dire of circumstances (usually to prevent at least one more death). So it's fine to kill an active shooter, but it's not fine to kill someone who's stolen a bunch of cars, even if the value of those cars is more than the dollar figure a utilitarian would place on an individual's life.

                      • jsomae@lemmy.ml
                        6 months ago

                        A utilitarian will (generally) also see a human life as being so valuable that it should only be taken in the most dire of circumstances. Unlike other people, they are actually willing to calculate exactly how dire that circumstance should be.

                        You can press a button once that will extend somebody's life by a month but 90% of that month will be spent in pure agony. You cannot ask them what their preference is. Do you extend their life or not? I wouldn't press that button. A hospital might.

                        • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
                          6 months ago

                          A utilitarian will (generally) also see a human life as being so valuable that it should only be taken in the most dire of circumstances.

                          The first link you dropped in this exchange includes articles like "You Can Put A Dollar Value On Human Life." I just don't believe people who assign that sort of value to lives, and whose core philosophy is maximizing value, are strictly opposed to trading others' lives if the math checks out. Strict utilitarianism is basically "The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas."

                          I'm sure lots of utilitarians try to put a nicer gloss on this, but that's the bones of the philosophy.

                          • jsomae@lemmy.ml
                            6 months ago

                            I love Le Guin.

                            The link you mentioned is dead, but I agree with the notion. Governments already put a dollar value on human life. Dollars can save lives, therefore human lives are worth dollars. Katja Grace says it better than I can.

                            Pull the lever, divert the trolley, save four lives.

      • jsomae@lemmy.ml
        6 months ago

        Yes. The overall damage through the centuries caused by western colonialism, in my estimate, is far greater than Israel's.

        That in and of itself is not a good reason to wish America/Canada/Australia not to exist. Should we wish China to de-exist because of the Yangzhou massacre of 1645?

        Genocide is happening right now in Israel/Palestine and we can do something about it. There are modern injustices happening today which we should occupy ourselves with, not meaningless finger-pointing. Let's tear down the western world sensibly, please.

        • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
          6 months ago

          Should we wish China to de-exist because of the Yangzhou massacre of 1645?

          There's a pretty clean break between the PRC and the Chinese dynasties of the 17th century. I'd have to brush up on my history but that's borderline pre-Qing even. Very different than holding the U.S. (or Australia, etc.) to account for a genocide it did under the same constitution and form of government it has today.

          There are modern injustices happening today which we should occupy ourselves with, not meaningless finger-pointing.

          I don't think it's meaningless finger-pointing to say that the continuing harm the U.S. (or Australia, etc.) is doing to indigenous people (among others) is a live issue that should be addressed. Israel actively killing people right now does not mean those other wrongs should be dismissed.

          • jsomae@lemmy.ml
            6 months ago

            Of course those wrongs should not be dismissed. Those are serious wrongs and need to be fixed. I'm of the belief that the entire western world needs to be dismantled and it's causing great harm. But "occupying other people's land" is not a good justification here, since that land has by and large traded hands many generations ago. Israel is different.

            I do not wish to see hundreds of millions of non-indigenous people shipped out of North America back to wherever their ancestors used to live in order to re-establish the sovereignty of a small minority of people. Let's solve inequality and inequity in sane and non-violent ways instead.

            • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
              6 months ago

              I do not wish to see hundreds of millions of non-indigenous people shipped out of North America back to wherever their ancestors used to live

              Who's calling for this?

              When people said "the Russian Empire should not exist" in 1915 they were talking about replacing the existing political structure with something like the USSR, not depopulating the country in its entirety.

    • 420stalin69
      6 months ago

      Israel is a US colonial project, these days.

    • ComradeSharkfucker@lemmy.ml
      6 months ago

      Just because it isn't obviously genocidal(anymore) doesnt mean the US hasnt done incredible harm to the entire world. What israel is doing right now if horrific yes but the US is responsible for even greater suffering. Neither should exist

      • TraschcanOfIdeology [they/them, comrade/them]
        6 months ago

        Not to mention that many of the policies regarding Indigenous peoples and enforcement thereof in North America are still actively genocidal. Just because the US is not bombing people within their own land doesn't mean that indigenous peoples in Turtle Island are thriving.