• cooopsspace@infosec.pub
    3 months ago

    Backdoor? Even if it isn't blatantly obvious - some autistic kid will notice a program runs 0.05 seconds slower and will work it out.

    At the very least if you're going to be backdooring your code you might as well add "back door goes here" to your PR so we can easily cut it out when the hard fork happens without the backdoor included.

    • BreakDecks@lemmy.ml
      3 months ago

      Why the fuck does everyone keep referring to Andres Freund, the skilled Microsoft engineer who discovered this as an "autistic kid"? Can everyone doing that please fuck off?

      Even if he is autistic, which I am not finding anything suggesting he is, this shouldn't be a part of the conversation. He protected the Linux community from a major exploit, just give him the credit for a job well done.

      • cooopsspace@infosec.pub
        3 months ago

        Sorry you're right. I'm actually not across the matter enough to comment and have only heard the "autistic kid" part through like third hand knowledge.

        Although everyone is on the spectrum somewhere, especially in the IT space.

        But you're right, the take away from this is I should learn about the topic better.