LoongArch will win
Rough Weixin post translation by DeepL:
Recently, the Hebi Municipal Government joined hands with the Municipal Education Bureau and other departments to introduce nearly 10,000 units of Longxin 3A5000 computers into the classrooms of nearly 50 primary and secondary schools in Hebi Municipal Direct and Hebi Qibin District. These computers are based on the independent Dragon architecture of the Longxin 3A5000 processor, equipped with a domestic UOS operating system, installed WPS office software, Extreme Domain teaching (operation and maintenance) management software and a full set of genuine licensed software, and through the classroom management to the teaching, programming, national/provincial and municipal management platforms and a total of 104 applications, to help the city in the realization of the education industry in the education industry, the basic hardware equipment as well as education and teaching The company has taken a solid step forward in realizing the independent control of basic hardware equipment and educational teaching and learning applications in the education industry.
Edit: Someone posted this already, oh well. This won't stop me from
Maybe "isn't related to MIPS" was a bad way to word it, woops. I meant it as in it's their own ISA that doesn't require a license from MIPS Technologies/Imagination/whoever owns the rights to MIPS these days, wasn't denouncing it's similarities to MIPS. Even the Loongson kernel developers themselves said "LoongArch is a new RISC ISA, which is a bit like MIPS or RISC-V". Sorry for the confusion to anyone who made have read my earlier post!