• amemorablename@lemmygrad.ml
    3 months ago

    The part that struck me most about that clip is how she described Biden as compassionate. Biden who is currently funding a genocide, who even before that, was anything but compassionate in his political career policies, anything but compassionate in how he talked to voters who had objections in the last election.

    The levels of delusion (or bare-faced lying, if you prefer) it takes to represent that man as compassionate is just wild. "Effective" is also stretching things a lot too. He, like other US presidents before him, is more or less effective at continuing US imperialism and supporting the wealthy over the working class at home.

    I had to actually check the date when I first watched it because I was in disbelief she's talking that way in the year 2024 after we've already seen what kind of president both major candidates are and they both continue the legacy of US imperialism, of being crap for anyone but imperialists.

    • FriendBesto@lemmy.ml
      3 months ago

      She ain't stupid. It's not delusion, it is just plain lying. You don't linger in the game for as long as she has by being a total idiot or naive.