I wish coffee was a big drug for me like everybody else.

This is gonna be stupid and vague but my brain only shifts into high-activity write-mode at like 2 or 3 am. I get hit with genuis ideas and brilliant little plots, and then I have two options: wreck myself on an all-nighter before work, or sleep on these ideas and be unable to write jack shit next morning.

It's so stupid, all through the day my brain is asleep, then at night I become borderline manic and wanna write shit. Why, pls help.

BIT IDEA: 48 hour days where I get that maybe four hours of being free from anxiety-inducing external pressure. Just dont fuckin sleep lmao.

  • Moonworm [any]
    3 months ago

    I mean, if you refuse to write through the day, you won't write during the day, and you won't get better. You have to practice the things you want to improve. Yeah, it's gonna feel like shit, you're not gonna like what you produce at first, maybe for a long time. But it's not like you have to be good at it to start. Swallow your pride, accept that you have more refined taste than ability to perform during the time that you want to write, and focus on improving your ability to practice.

    I went through this kind of thing when I decided draw more and more seriously last year. I had to make a lot of terrible gesture drawings, there was progress and regression, I fell off a lot, but slowly and surely, I improved - not just at drawing itself, but at doing it and feeling into it at times of day and in contexts where I would have just given up out of fear of not being able to perform previously.

    There's a lot of things you might try to allow yourself to write things that aren't up to your standards for the purpose of keeping yourself doing it. I'm sure there are prompt generators in the same vein as pose libraries for gesture drawing. Try on awful styles of writing as a bit, tell yourself you're going to make the most purple prose you can bear, or stream of consciousness it. Again, the important thing I think, for our purposes, is that you are going through the processs of writing, that is: the typing, the rhythm of thought, the practice of letting yourself keep going even when you feel like you're not doing well. That's what you need to train to be able to write in the afternoon the same way you can in the small hours.