vent post please ignore

I'm so sick of being a shameful social embarrassment, holy shit how pathetic do you have to be to be incapable of talking to people ON THE INTERNET

Fuck talking to people in general

  • blight [any]
    2 months ago

    some of you might be feds, but i still respect the vast majority of you anonymous posters and lurkers, way more than most people i talk to irl. that means i also care more about what you think about what i say. is it the same for you?

    • 420stalin69
      2 months ago

      This is a place where people are left and progressive but who don’t assume the west is an inherently more trustworthy place and that non-western media sources are worth listening to as though their at least as trustworthy as western media.

      It’s always surprising to me when this isn’t the default for leftists and that makes this place a breath of fresh air.

      Also the way this place can be extremely inclusive and opposed to intolerance without being a bunch of pious jerks.

      Somehow this place is unique even though all those things should be default.

    • ashinadash [she/her, comrade/them]
      2 months ago

      At least they have the sense not to comment and message, I cannot stop it seems

      Uh my brain is having trouble with this one, I like the online people in the bear website within my phone. Non shockingly I have no irl friends