Helping America abuse the global south and stop the spread of communist democracy. What a joke.

I'm proud that the only war my grandad fought in was the only war in which we were the good guys for once, WWII.

Here's to the brave people who fought against facsism.

Fuck imperial Japan

Fuck Nazi Germany

Fuck Zionist Israel

Fuck South Korea

Fuck the US anti-communist empire

Fun story about my Grandad during WW2. He was stationed on an island shooting down Imperial Japanese planes. Near the end of the war they had next to no supplies. Their clothes were even rotting. Then the Americans swooped in late in the war after the hard work was done, with a ton of supplies and money from war profiteering, and instead of sharing supplies with their allies during a fucking war, they charged huge amounts of money for them. Needless to say, my Grandad came back from the war hating the Americans as much as the Japanese.

  • HexBroke [any, comrade/them]
    2 months ago

    Likewise Australians also looked down upon the fighting qualities of Americans; most considered the Americans an inferior fighting force who seemed all glitz and brashness. Even MacArthur was upset and humiliated by reports that during an earlier attack against the perimeter's eastern flank at Buna, American soldiers had dropped their weapons and ran from the Japanese. This feeling towards the Americans would be furthered during the Battle of Buna, where Australian troops bore the brunt of the fighting due to American "inactivity". Buna, the fourth major Allied victory in New Guinea, was presented not only as the first major victory but an American one. Sanananda, an Australian victory, was presented as merely a mopping-up operation. The Americans would not acknowledge that Australians won the critical battles of Milne Bay, Kokoda and Gona, were largely responsible for the victory at Buna, and were "overwhelmingly" responsible for victory at Sanananda.