
(also use Linux)

  • EcoMaowist [she/her]
    2 months ago

    Suffering Windows users, embrace salvation! Install Fedora (KDE spin for a similar feel), you won't regret it.

    • MayoPete [he/him, comrade/them]
      2 months ago

      My only blocker is making sure the audio equipment and software I want to run will actually work. Are there Linux flavors with good compatibility for Ableton, USB audio interfaces, and USB devices like the Ableton Push? Is it going to freak out if I try to hook up a Roland SP404 to it via USB-C?

      I've heard enough nightmare stories about Linux and hardware that keeps me away.

      • EcoMaowist [she/her]
        2 months ago

        I don't really know. There's probably a way to run ableton through Wine or Bottles (tools for running windows programs) but I can't guarentee that the specific equipment would work. I use a USB microphone that works fine, but that's probably much less complex.

        • MayoPete [he/him, comrade/them]
          2 months ago

          Yeah that's the fear. For my "daily driver" yes, I should be on Ubuntu or something. For the audio work I'm probably stuck with either Apple or Microsoft OSs.