It's gotten to the point where even the mildest effective leftism will have at least one idiot crying tankie.

I've seen a lot of anarchists get called tankies even.

  • Greenleaf [he/him]
    1 month ago

    It’s impossible to know. It’s like when people ask if the feds are keeping tabs on this website. Like objectively, it would be silly for them to expend any resources on that - we shitpost, we’re very small, and half the users are outside the US anyway. We’re not actually organizing anything here (not a criticism, just an observation), so why even bother. I’ve been here since like day 3 (different accounts) and not once have I seen any calls to actionable, criminal violence.

    OTOH, feds have infiltrated Marxist reading groups with like 3 people before. They infiltrate milquetoast demsoc DSA chapters. They’ll get in there and fuck things up that are objectively not even a shadow of a threat. So who knows, hard to figure them out.

    Making up “anti-tankie” stuff seems very penny ante, but they feds do that kinda stuff anyway.

      1 month ago

      When it cones to the internet, everything is being monitored. Maybe not some fed browsing the dunk tank all day but most definitely blanket data collection so they can review all the posts here if something else comes up in the future.

    • Owl [he/him]
      1 month ago

      The intelligence agencies are tree-shaped management hierarchies like any other, and those produce an incentive for managers to inflate the scope of their work, so they can get more headcount, so they can look more impressive when trying to be promoted further up the hierarchy. So there's definitely an incentive to pretend we're relevant enough to have dedicated people monitoring.

      Also being half outside the US means doesn't mean we're less relevant, it means both the FBI and CIA have a chance to pretend we are.