the-podcast guy recently linked this essay, its old, but i don't think its significantly wrong (despite gpt evangelists) also read weizenbaum, libs, for the other side of the coin

  • queermunist she/
    1 month ago

    I never implied that uploaded people wouldn't be people. All I'm saying is that they'd be different people. It's not like putting on new clothes.

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      1 month ago

      I'm getting the impression that you would think they were a different person, and I would not, and that disagreement lies not in any measurable process but rather our personal beliefs.

      • queermunist she/
        1 month ago

        I'm getting the impression than you think you only exist in your head, whereas I do not, and this is a material disagreement on the self.

        The measurable difference is that my conception of the self includes the embodied self and the social self. I am, in part, my body. I am, in part, my place in society. I am, in part, my relationships.

        There is a dialectical relationship between the internal world inside our heads and the real world outside of it. Narrowly focusing on the brain misses this nuance.