• queermunist she/her@lemmy.ml
    1 month ago

    I'm deciding that the real number might be as far off the official number in China as it is in every other developed country. I don't think there's any developed country that has a coverup on this scale. You aren't talking about something that is "same as everywhere really", you're suggesting something totally unique that applies only to China.

    • TRexBear
      1 month ago

      deleted by creator

      • queermunist she/her@lemmy.ml
        1 month ago

        The only way this would possibly work is if COVID testing is never done on hospitalized patients who show symptoms or none is ever done afterwards to determine cause of death, and so hundreds of thousands of people are just dying from what would essentially be unknown causes without any specific viral agent being identified. That is absolutely a coverup!

        • TRexBear
          1 month ago

          deleted by creator