When I see footage of protesters they mostly get tackled, tear gassed, or chased off. And in no way have I ever see them with a gun, knife, or any other form of defense to protect themselves.

  • bazingabrain [comrade/them]
    1 month ago

    non violence is literally a cia plot to quell workers organizing. The author that popularized this strategy was NED recipient and had ties to US intelligence, look it up and do post info if you find some, too late for me to dig through google.

    Edit: heres the source, https://redsails.org/marcie-smith-gene-sharp/ , credit to @alicirce@lemmygrad.ml

    • Che's Motorcycle@lemmygrad.ml
      1 month ago

      This can't be emphasized enough. It is not only in the ruling classes interest to promote nonviolence, they take active measures to ensure that we believe it's some sort of moral or spiritual imperative. The only "pure" protest is the one that they can safely ignore.