• DengistDonnieDarko [none/use name]
    10 days ago

    Those mechanical legs and arms and spine would be company property, too. They'd expect you to return them if you quit or were fired. Either that or charge you an exorbitant amount for them.

    Imagine trying to set up a surgery to remove your Amazon Basics Mecha-Arm + Alexa and get replacement arms without your work insurance.

    • Egon [they/them]
      10 days ago

      I feel like thats where you end up with a cyberpunk version of the tale about Loki avoiding decapitation.
      He lost a bet with some dwarves and he'd wagered his head. Odin then said they could have his head, but since they didn't own his neck they couldn't decapitate him.
      "You are welcome to reclaim your Arm lift (TM) however you cannot cut open my clients skin or in any way interact with their flesh, since that isn't your property"