[CW: Discussion of Racism and Transmisogyny]

...and I phrased it in a way that I think captures it best.

I'm black and transfeminine.

Transfeminine people are perceived as threats to women.

Black people, especially black men, are seen as aggressive, violent, and likely to commit crimes.

Since transfeminine people are often perceived as men, the intersection between racism and transmisogyny often stems from me being perceived as an even bigger threat.

And what feels the worst about this? I feel like it's the other way around. I feel like I'm a threat to no one, but so many people are threats to me. My functioning and quality of the daily interactions I have with people are tremendously hindered by having to work around this psychologically.

It's effectively how I got my "People are dangerous to you until proven otherwise" kind of mentality that makes me a doomer.

  • Nakoichi [he/him]M
    9 days ago

    Love you comrade. And I relate to this a lot. I don't really like being perceived as a man and I have a complicated relationship with gender myself albeit without the added layer of being a black person.

    Anyway solidarity