• roux [he/him, comrade/them]
    7 days ago

    We successfully managed to get back to civilization in one piece. Got unpacked yesterday and got the kids into bed. Then me and my partner broke into the weed and started watching SLC Punk. Aside from the long ass drive and church this am, it's been a pretty calm weekend. Gonna work a bit more on this freelance web thing but also try and spend time with the family this week.

    Youngest is at that stage where he tries to put everything in his mouth in an attempt to asphyxiate so that is one thing we got going right now.

    • RedWizard [he/him]
      6 days ago

      Kids have this way of finding everything that could choke them, even after you've done a sweep for shit. "Where did you find that!? Get it out of your mouth!" Right up there with "No don't play with the electrical socket!"

      • roux [he/him, comrade/them]
        6 days ago

        So fucking true lol. When we were on vacation he stuffed a rock in his mouth and it turned sideways and go stuck behind his teeth. He started freaking out while we got it out but I guess that wasn't enough of a lesson since shortly after I posted my comment he stuffed the cap to his brother's juice bottle thing in his mouth.

        • RedWizard [he/him]
          6 days ago

          When I was a kid one of my cousins stuffed a penny up his noes and the adults needed needle noes pliers to get them out... Its probably an age old curiosity lol. Its the reason why we can look at a wood table and know what it tastes like.