Environmental advocates say the decision will leave millions of people breathing dirtier air this summer.
Case file: https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/23a349_0813.pdf
Environmental advocates say the decision will leave millions of people breathing dirtier air this summer.
Case file: https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/23a349_0813.pdf
"dOnT cArE, nOt VoTiNg"
We voted to make RBG not retire bc we stan a girl boss
We voted to let Obama roll over on Merrick Garland because we believe in turning the other cheek
Even picking a spineless centrist like him was a weak ass move to begin with, fucking Obungler
deleted by creator
All those bernie bros wanted her to retire and not officiate large events with many participants because they hate to see a girlboss winning.
Oh, is it the most important election of our lives again for a third time already? Luckily I don't have to vote, since the Very Serious democratic party has already packed the courts from Supreme to traffic, from Obama's administration onward. They did a great job redrawing districts to take republican fascists out of power and shutting down all the US military blacksites that violate international law. After all, such basic houskeeping would be the bare minimum for a ruling party of a world superpower in a self-professed battle against tyranny. I'm glad to know that the Democratic party, the only one that can stop fascism, takes these issues seriously, and would never spend decades refusing to enshrine Roe or expand the courts, or give full support to a genocide, or spread blood libel about Palestinians, or deport even more people than the scary orange man, or arm the racist police to the teeth with robots and tanks, or send the national guard in to crack down on anti-brutality protests, or oversee border concentration camps, or put razor wire in the rivers, or topple democratically elected governments, or bomb Yemen to support Isreal's genocide, or give missiles to (other) Nazis, or starve Afghanistan, or run antivax propaganda campaigns in the Philippines, or blow up Norsstream and freeze the poor of Europe in the winter, or end all covid testing, or end all covid aid programs, or tell everyone it's the most important election in history and then insist on running someone with the world's worst record and historically low support who can't string a short paragraph together.
Can you imagine if such a lazy, incompetent, entitled, corrupt, sclerotic, moribund, terroristic and genocidal organization were to exist and have done all those things? If that were the case, it would sure seem to open up a lot of questions. Questions like "If this is how much the party says it matters to them, why dont their actions reflect that? If what we saw in that debate was a prepared appearance, how bad is Biden in private? How much faith do I have that he's really in charge of much of anything these days, and who is? Finally, why on earth would I bend myself to the will of a bunch of spineless fascists in denial who in four years time will be yelling at me that i have to vote for Project 2025 to stop Project 2029? Why the fuck should I want this wretched empire to continue at all? Its the number one obstacle to a better, safer world, or to any world at all for that matter. You all protested and made signs and when Trump started to Build the Wall, but now that Biden is Finishing the Wall you've all moved on to insisting that we have to sacrifice every Palestinian and every Ukranian to maybe possibly, pinky promise bro delay harm to people here, AND that a system that forces you to make this choice somehow isn't irredeemably evil and in need of destruction. We all know where this leads, in 4 years you'll be smugly lecturing us to support exactly the policies you're hoping to scare people into voting against right now. Fuck your good cop/bad cop, they're one department. Stop scapegoating your fellow proletarians for the inevitable failures of capitalist empire, reread the Nemollier poem, read some Lenin, grow up. Develop actual humanitarian principles, because right now you're just a fucking self-conscious nazi.
stay mad
Technically, not voting because we do care, and learned the lesson from that a ballot is like a bullet, and should not be cast until you have a target you want in your sights.
I would be arguing a democrat should be voted for if they ended US imperialism, protected abortion rights, legalized weed, provided universal healthcare, gave more than vocal support to LGBT+ rights, and--critically important--weren't genocidal.
So I guess that my vote is real, real easy to get. Huh.
If it's my vote that will prevent the loss of democracy forever, and stopping Trump is the absolute most important issue we face, maybe Biden should just roll over on a few of those things.
But he won't, because he'd rather bomb brown kids than actually stop Trump.
Anyway, bargain's on the table, but I don't think the democrats will go for it. It's less painful for their capitalist backers to just use stooges like you to chastise the leftists than to ever throw them an easy bone to gain their vote. And I do mean easy. I manage to not bomb brown kids every day. You just, don't bomb them. Simple.
If stopping Trump is the absolute most important issue we face, maybe Biden should Officially drone strike him which is legal for him to do now as long as it's Official.
That would be very legal and very cool.
I like when the president does legal things, like dragging all of his political enemies out in the street and garroting them with piano wire. I do not like when the president does illegal things (there are literally no illegal things)
Oh, I forgot meaningful action on climate change; particularly relevant given the thread topic. That too. Though now with the supreme court's new ruling, I'd probably define "meaningful action on climate change" as the summary execution of the heads and boards of every fossil fuel company.
but it did nothing
The seems more effective than the ballot when dealing with unelected rulers who have jobs for life
We voted to give the justices lifetime appointments and no code of ethics. We also voted for the only option to remove them is impeachment or a constitutional ammendment.
you're goddamn right
Death to America
Aww, you really get me!
As a non American, I'm still very much effected by America's impact on the climate. I can say with certainty that most of us don't give a shit which carcass gets hauled into the white house and we really want your country to collapse. So do that plz
Then they have the correct position, at least on the second part (and honestly I doubt anyone there doesn't care). Voting won't make one goddamn lick of a difference on this issue and if you think it will, you're painfully naive.