The linked article does his math wrong - the ad revenue per page view is $0.00258, so the profit per page is actually $0.00207.

This will radically accelerate the problem of search results being full of AI-generated spam.

  • context [fae/faer, fae/faer]M
    2 months ago

    i feel like there's a treadmill here that they're starting us all off upon. as search results rapidly become full of ai-generated spam the odds of a pageview rapidly go down. so the whole thing ends up being a bit like bitcoin mining, trying to find that exact right combination of seo blather to be the page that's selected by the search algorithm for the precise prompt entered by one of the last goobers gullible enough to still be searching for useful information and then also somehow convinces that goober to click on the page in order to be inundated with ads and hallucinatory garbage. ad revenue per page view will fluctuate wildly based on speculation about market sentiment about new and innovative optimization schemes, reaching stellar heights of value even as it kills the internet entirely and everyone drops their phones and laptops and starts the butlerian jihad against our ai oppressors irl just like in that movie!