Made the same choice as this woman many, many times. All you can do is hope the drivers of whatever vehicles are behind you decide not to murder someone that day.

  • OperationOgre [he/him, they/them]
    2 months ago

    Yesterday I was riding my bike down the road going home, and a car suddenly turned to the right in front of me. I had two choices:

    1. Continue straight or dodge right and smash into the car
    2. Dodge left around the car, but into the lane of traffic with cars behind me, risking a collision with a different car

    I opted for 2 and luckily was not hit by the traffic behind me, but cyclists are forced into these bad decisions EVERY FUCKING DAY we ride our bikes. If I had been hit, it would have been waived off as an unfortunate accident, and I would have become another statistic in our dogshit car-centric world. I fully expect to meet my demise at the wheel of some carbrained idiot some day, it seems inevitable.

    I'm so upset that this woman was killed for no reason, and that her killers will never be brought to justice, and that the frothing lizards who enjoy driving believe she brought this on herself