Made the same choice as this woman many, many times. All you can do is hope the drivers of whatever vehicles are behind you decide not to murder someone that day.

  • Lenins_Cat_Reincarnated [he/him]
    2 months ago

    I live in cyclist paradise (doesn’t feel like that but compared to the rest of the world it is) and when I was young, car hitting cyclist who has to swerve on the car lane due to obstruction was one of the most common causes for car on cyclist accidents. It’s a super dangerous situation because cars don’t pay attention and go way too fast. The only effective solutions are to make cycle lanes that are separate from car lanes, or to make the car lane much smaller so that cars don’t feel safe driving too fast.

    When I was a kid my parents basically told me to look behind me if the car behind me is actually slowing down for me to pass, and if not then to not go into the car lane but to stop in front of the obstruction and to only pass when I was sure that no cars were coming. Maybe this strategy helps one of you out there but I can also imagine it not being realistic due to heavy traffic/low patience. Obviously it would be much safer to avoid these situations with the solutions I mentioned above.