The teen was seeing King's court as part of a visit organized by The Greening of Detroit, a nonprofit environmental group. During the visit, King noticed the girl falling asleep, WXYZ reported.

wtf The fuck is an environmental group doing court tours for?

I hope the family can sue either the court or the org. Just what the hell was the purpose of it?

YOU PLANT PLANTS! THAT'S WHAT YOU DO! What in the just... honk-enraged

  • hypercracker
    5 months ago

    that was the most unbelievable crackertacular offer I've seen in a hot minute

      • Amerikan
        5 months ago

        Black folk can be crackers too. Crackery isn't a state of skin, it's a state of mind; that is the final evolution of blatant misleadership. When the misleader mentally metamorphoses from the house slave to the slave owner, from the Stephen Candie to the Calvin Candie.

        How else do you think the Sean Carters, Sean Combses, and Beyonce Knowleses of the world ever come to be?