I noticed I simply cannot eat cereal anymore due to the reactive hypoglycemia it causes. Googled around today and found out that what it was, which had me confused because the stuff has sugar in it so you'd think it'd be a no-brainer, right?

So it looks like I got to get more fruit in my diet and eat small meals throughout the day.

Anything that works well for you?

  • un_mask_me [any]
    2 months ago

    Not a doctor, got family with these issues though so I'll share that experience:

    Start by keeping a food diary with the stuff you eat and any immediate symptoms/feelings etc for like 2-4 weeks when you first start changing parts of your diet. The idea is to identify foods that cause problems, since everyone's body is different and some recommendations won't work for everyone. Some of the most obvious things to start whittling out of your diet are sugar, white flour, alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco. Don't overeat; if you're used to 3 meals a day, shrink the meal sizes and add healthy snacks in between. Try to keep snacks nearby at all times. Careful with fruit and anything fruit-derived as they have more sugar than you might realize. Whole grains and veggies, legumes, nuts and seeds are usually safe bets, but again it depends on the individual. It's hard to find a good balance sometimes so use your diet diary as a starting point. Definitely consult your doctor before making any big changes. Hope this helps, and that you feel better comrade.