Hey all, sincerely hope you're well.
Many of our American posters are gathering together with family and friends today. They're likely to hear plenty of awful takes from their liberals. Unscratched, freshly scratched, or pre-scratched chuds alike, there are sure to be brainworms all around the table and openly airing their unhinged grievances. Please feel free to share their awful takes here. This thread is open for supporting one another, venting, laughing at bad family takes (both stale and bespoke).
This thread is intended to be a supportive space to bring the community together. Please be kind to one another. As always, discussion of struggle sessions or attempts to relitigate them will not be permitted.
Have fun and keep cozy!
i passed out on the toilet at like 5 AM today. i thought i was just going to have diarrhea, but suddenly my lower stomach/intestines started hurting a lot, and i got really lightheaded. i knew i was about to pass out and was trying to breathe. next thing i knew i was waking up on the bathroom floor between my toilet and bathtub, my head basically inside the bucket we keep the plunger and toilet brush in. at first i was confused, i thought i was asleep in my bed, but i immediately panicked and noticed i was on the filthy bathroom floor. i swear i could hear indistinct voices as i came too as well. i don't know how long i was out, a few minutes at most and probably less than that. i had a bit of a panic attack when i got up, i still felt lightheaded, i needed a shower after being face-first in the plunger bucket, and my stomach still hurt very badly and i felt like i had to defecate in the worst way. but since i was lightheaded i went to lie down on the floor in another room, trying to text my dad and my roommate who i had just taken to work earlier at like 4 AM with stiff tingling hands i could barely move. my dad didn't respond, still asleep (and didn't even say anything until much later in the day), but my roommate responded at work at least and my brother was willing to drive me to a hospital which i declined because i finally had the grossest weird smelling (like ammonia or cat poo) diarrhea ever and my stomach stopped hurting. no blood or anything came out that i noticed so i'm confused as to what even happened in a medical sense. i decided to stay home from a thanksgiving thing my brother had planned at the house he just moved into to keep things safe. i appreciate him (he was quicker to respond to calls for aid than my dad who is usually pretty cool) but i also don't know any of the people he moved in with, and the way i felt after i regained consciousness reminded me of ways i've felt in other socially taxing situations (stiff, tingling hands and face), so i didn't want to stress the same biological systems if its at all related. i had been reading 'the will to change' and having a bit of a i'm-a--broken-man-in-a-doomed-world kind of existential crisis, it kind of triggered me and reminded me of a lot of the abuse i suffered as a child, so maybe it was some kind of trauma psychosomatic thing. not a criticism of the book its just a little to real for my addled traumatized mind.
also, before any of this happened, while i was awake in bed, i had the weirdest psuedo-dream (like an intense involuntary waking daydream, my eyes rolled back into my head but i wasn't asleep) about some green-eyed (solid/glowing green like green lantern or something) alien with defined brow ridges and grey skin (looked kind of like a Protoss) and either a red mouthless facepart (like DBZ cell's original form with its mouth closed) or a mask, on its mouth, and wearing white and gold robes, examining me as i kneeled before it in either chains or some kind of collar. it or an associate moved a rod or a staff and it forced my body (i was watching this dream in 3rd person from some other perspective) to move, turning my head to the left and exposing my neck. the tall grey skinned green eyed alien stared and did something to my neck, maybe with a wand or something, and i started feeling weird mentally. i had been initially terrified of this alien but suddenly i reached out as if i trusted it, and then a large white/gold humanoid dragon's (a character the preexists in my mental library of archetypes, i have seen it before in other similar psuedo-dream/hallucinations) foot appeared at the edge of my disembodied view of the scene, implying that the rest of its huge body encased in some kind of translucent sphere had been 'summoned' by this manipulation of my body. then, i saw the grey skinned green eyed alien with its hands in my head, which looked impossibly and bloodlessly 'opened up' with rectangular panels removed and floating nearby, as if it was moving objects around inside my skull, or doing some kind of maintenance or manipulation. this alien was terrifying to me at first but it felt more like a doctor in this scene. for some reason it felt to me like this dream was related to the voices i heard wile i regained consciousness later.
in conclusion, any aliens or sorcerers on here or anywhere else wishing my demise because of my cringe posting are going to have to try harder, cuz i lived this time. shoutout to the handful of people that upvote even my most deranged posts for some reason.
CW: illness and bodily fluids
Warning: I'm not a doctor and the following comment isn't medical advice. I'll talk about first hand account.
I've both heard of and seen people losing consciousness briefly while having a bad time puking hard or defecating hard. Happened to my dad once when he had a tough case of food poisoning, he was defecting and I heard a loud thud in the bathroom, ran there and found him with his face on the floor, fallen forwards. After that, it never happened again and it's been years since that. I'm not trying to tell you not to pursue medical examination, but it wouldn't be the first person getting worried over losing consciousness while doing serious gut effort.
Its called Vasovagal syncope, and it can be triggered by the valsalva maneuver (the increased abdominal pressure when someone ‘bares down’ to poop or blowing hard through a tiny straw etc)
Yeah the same thing causes some people to faint when they get a shot
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i kind of have a 'let the interdimensional wizards handle it' kind of attitude towards the weird experiences i have. i figure if the weird things i see needed anything from me they could ask in a way i would understand unambiguously. i figure if there is another layer to reality then humans are probably like dogs or infants to whatever else there is, probably nothing i can do or comprehend about it without context so i should stay out of the way. this time in particular there was an element of 'am i a patient or a sacrifice' to the scene, there was kind of a stormy brown-stone ziggurats shrouded in dark blue fog vibe to the scenery but i couldnt make out details
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it is possible that it is trauma related my wife used to (hopefully past tense for real this time) get seizures where she was out for a couple minutes and then slowly came to. This could happen spontaneously or because she was confronted with her trauma and her subconcious was still processing that.
Not saying either way but just because even paramedics had a hard time accepting that a psychological disorder can have such an effect on the body, it is a thing that can happen.