all a quantum computer is good for is breaking encryption, which can then be solved with quantum encryption, so sell computers to protect against the computers you created
so sell computers to protect against the computers you created
Quantum-resistant cryptography doesn't inherently require quantum computers, to my knowledge--you just need to pick a problem that's difficult for quantum computers to reverse but still reasonable for non-quantum computers to handle.
Yes, quantum computers can only break a certain class of asymmetrical ciphers, but we already have replacements called lattice-based cryptography which not even quantum computers can break. NIST even has on their website source code you can download for programs that implement some of these ciphers. We already have standards for quantum-resistance cryptography. Most companies have not switched over since it's slower, but I know some VPN programs claim to have implemented them.
all a quantum computer is good for is breaking encryption, which can then be solved with quantum encryption, so sell computers to protect against the computers you created
Quantum-resistant cryptography doesn't inherently require quantum computers, to my knowledge--you just need to pick a problem that's difficult for quantum computers to reverse but still reasonable for non-quantum computers to handle.
Yes, quantum computers can only break a certain class of asymmetrical ciphers, but we already have replacements called lattice-based cryptography which not even quantum computers can break. NIST even has on their website source code you can download for programs that implement some of these ciphers. We already have standards for quantum-resistance cryptography. Most companies have not switched over since it's slower, but I know some VPN programs claim to have implemented them.
No, we will just use quantum resistant crypto schemes on classical computers
Quantum cryptography is very prohibitive in general and realistically won't ever be available for consumers
Na, they have a lot of other potential uses.
This has the potential to destroy Bitcoin.