A brand new year, and with it another opportunity to improve your health. Everybody's (not) doing it.
A brand new year, and with it another opportunity to improve your health. Everybody's (not) doing it.
i've been drinking ginger beer or club soda with lime when I go out instead and i'm loving it!
all the brands of ginger beer i can find (well 2) have very few ingredients and it's all good food and no preservatives but are still delicious it feels like a hack.
the one they have almost everywhere:
Gotta be careful with the sugar but otherwise i like all of that stuff! I'm guessing the ginger obviates the need for preservatives.
awesome, nothing like waking up hangover-less after a night out
yeah it's so nice to wake up feeling good!
Oh, I'll have to try those! Cheers to your health.