hi, everyone. this is only my second post ever and it feels strange to make it here, but i've spent the majority of my life ashamed to ask for assistance and in abandoning social media sites like reddit and twitter and facebook and youtube i figured hexbear would be a good place to try and ask for help.
let me start with the good news: i have a job that begins within a week so my financial troubles will soon be behind me. however, i lost my job roughly two months ago after i quit a toxic work environment that was being taken away from me anyway (long story). unfortunately, the state did not agree with my reasoning for unemployment and i've been doing DoorDash ever since. it's.. rough. i had no money during the holidays other than what i made from Dashing which i spent on food and gas and necessities.
basically, i could really use some help to get me through the week. my phone is currently shut off due to lack of payment so i can't Dash to provide myself with support. i refuse to ask for a specific amount so if there's any you can provide consider myself truly thankful. the more the better, of course, but anything i get will be used for expenses as they come. i currently have less than $2 in my checking account and nothing in my savings lol.
i am tired of being stuck in a cycle of poverty. i have a degree and i still struggle. my partner is going to school so i support us both. luckily we live with their family so they don't demand too much of us but they're only patient for so long.
anyway, no pressure to anyone of course and i appreciate all the help. thanks! :D
venmo: dgrwl
cash app: dgrwl
(my cash app is new because i couldn't change my name on one i already had)
aw hey thanks! appreciate the help.