Join and make it less lib. It’s that easy.
The only way you’d make it more lib is if you think you’re more lib than DSA 😳 👀
To those of you requesting I move my posts proselytizing people about joining an organization over to /strugglesession I have but one thing to say:
Join an organization
To those who repeat the line “I believe in democratic centralism so I won’t join” I say: so do I. If that’s such a sticking point for you to not join DSA, which organization practicing democratic centralism are you currently a part of?
Do you think Lenin or Mao woke up one day with a perfectly structured organization laying at their feet comprised of only those who held similar beliefs to them? Of course they didn’t. They crafted and cultivated these organizations and revolutionary mindsets for decades before seeing the fruits of their labor. If you aren’t organizing you are not only not a revolutionary, you are a counterrevolutionary. Are you waiting for a perfect movement to be waiting at the foot of your bed one morning instead of putting in the labor to craft one you see as suitably revolutionary? Not to even scold you, but factually your absence from organization based on personal ideology favors only the capitalist and harms only your comrades.
This isn't really an argument. You could literally just this logic to apply to anything more lib than you.
It's not an argument, it's a call to action. The only logic here is that if you go out into the world, you can have an impact on it.
The DSA is not an intrinsically toxic organization, and the DSA achieves net good. For those two reasons, I think you're wrong.
The difference is you're not going to find another major organization outside of the PSL that has very large amounts of people who are sympathetic to "good" socialism and could be (relatively) easily radicalized.
Not gonna grow a movement by only hanging around people who you already agree with.
I find this dichotomy of join DSA or do nothing pretty weird. There are millions of things you could do to advance the cause of revolution.
Then you better be doing them
but i just want to pretend to be a leftist because it looks cool and makes me feel like i am in a special club with the correct know how.
It’s not an argument, it’s an accusation and call to action. If you aren’t organizing openly as a communist you’re unironically a lib. Mao said so.
Call yourself an anarchist. Call yourself a MLM. You’re nothing but a lib if you aren’t organizing
I agree, so say that. Don't call people a lib for not joining the DSA.
Being a lib is the running joke of this site