Not that anyone in the West cares

    11 months ago

    Idk, man, I found a HAMAS tunnel in my kids' candy Halloween night. You gotta watch out, those things are everywhere, you never know when you're going to call an ambulance and actually get a HAMAS tunnel instead, or pick your kids up from school but they're actually a HAMAS tunnel, or sit down on a park bench and, believe it or not, it's a HAMAS tunnel. I'm pretty sure that the real reason cops shoot people pel mel here in the US is because you can just never really be sure that somebody isn't hiding a HAMAS tunnel in their pocket.

    11 months ago

    Should the Western European diaspora follow their policy of innocent unless proven guilty or their policy to not kill innocent bystanders? If the Western European diaspora keep using unproven evidence of terrorist hideout as an excuse to attack civilians, then they are legimitizing every terrorist acts that they are supposed to oppose.

    11 months ago

    THAT one was, but what about the other hospitals!? There's no way to know until we bomb every last hospital just to be sure!