Curious if anyone actually engages in YouTube videos here?

    11 months ago

    Hell no, and for two very good reasons:

    • To comment and subscribe, you need a Youtube account. There's no way on God's green Earth I'll ever open any Google account. They track me enough as it is without me helping them.

    • Youtube monetizes your preferences - subscriptions and comments - which helps their business grow. I will never do anything to help Google if I can avoid it. Google needs to die, not grow larger than the cancerous blob they've already become.

    I do subscribe locally to channels, and I have my personal playlists in FreeTube and NewPipe though, but Google doesn't get to profit from that information. As for commenting, I've never seen any thread compelling enough to respond to. But if I did, I'll abstain in the name of not helping Google.

    11 months ago

    I will hit the like button on a video I really like. I will comment if I have a question, but not to simply join in on the "discussion" for the purpose of engagement. I will subscribe if the channel is actually good. I won't do these things because a voice in the video suggests it to me, but because I finally decide, "This content author actually makes something worth watching."

    I have about 50 channels subscribed. Of those, about half are actively uploading videos. Of those, about half upload videos very regularly, and the others very irregularly.