
  • Amerikan
    10 months ago

    In essence, Israeli propaganda only works on those prone to settler thought and raised under settler culture-- which is to say you have to be lacking a heart to fall for it

    10 months ago

    Excellent article, and the same settler psychology that drove manifest destiny and is still present in the United States.

    10 months ago

    Great article, well worth the wait.

    I would love to use this to try and connect ideas of settler-colonialism in Israel to settler-colonialism in my own country, try to educate some people, but unfortunately I doubt I'll be able to get my lib friends to actually sit down and read it. It will still be an excellent resource though, and if they can't bring themselves to challenge their view it only makes it even weaker the more articles like this I have to share with them.

      10 months ago

      Thanks a lot 😁 I also recommend Black skin, White masks, I think that's like the best work on settler (and settled) psychology.

    • loathsome
      10 months ago

      If you are American, this Monthly Review article connects American settler colonialism with the Israeli counterpart:

    10 months ago

    This is some documented Zionist derangement right here:

    already prominent Zionists are saying they will come for America (as well as Egypt and Lebanon), and that Hamas already controls all worldwide institutions (thereby making them targets of the IDF).

    They do realize, don't they, that they exist on a lifeline from the US, and that furthermore the US is the one country in the world more brutal and convinced of its own righteousness than Israel is?

      10 months ago

      I'm not sure they do. I think they really see themselves as being above the US and not the other way around. Not being helped when the administration gives them the thumbs up on anything Israel does.

      Thanks for reading btw!