Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • Bottom_racer@aussie.zone
    10 months ago

    Well it happened again.

    About 15 yrs ago I was playing with my cat and I fell over and fucked my lower back / hip.. 2 yrs ago I fell off my bike and I could feel it almost unfucked my back (counter intuitive, but it rearranged something). Then.. when swimming in the ocean a few times straight after it felt like something had really changed.

    Had a big stretch and there was an almighty 'clunk'.. something popped back in. It was extremely satisfying. Woke up to zero (0!) back pain. I've been dreaming of that 'clunk' ever since even though the back / hip was all good.

    Anyway that 'clunk' happened again this morning.

    Dreams do come true.

  • Rusty Raven @aussie.zoneM
    10 months ago

    It's Friday Fritter Day!

    *removed externally hosted image*

    Corn & zucchini fritters, served with salad and mint yoghurt dressing. I made enough to feed a small army, so the freezer will be filled with many future fritters too.

    • Catfish@aussie.zone
      10 months ago

      I love corn fritters! And big batches are necessary, eggs don’t come in halves or quarters.

      • Rusty Raven @aussie.zoneM
        10 months ago

        I forgot to add to my other comment - powdered eggs are a thing. They are perfect for when you want to make something like fritters or pancakes in amounts smaller than one egg worth.

        • Catfish@aussie.zone
          10 months ago

          I know they exist but have never used them. I do have a fabulous 70s cook book called the Other Half of the Egg. It’s set up for just whites or yolks, and how many. Like ok, I baked a pav, what can I do with 6 yolks?

  • Baku@aussie.zone
    10 months ago

    It's 2am, I should be sleeping, and all I can think about is how absolutely awesome it would be to drive or work on one of the super long distance trains, like the ones across the nullabor or up north. I mean, probably not that awesome for most normal people, but I love trains, love being in the middle of nowhere, and hate people. Going on a 40 hour train ride through actual nowhere is genuinely a dream

    • Rusty Raven @aussie.zoneM
      10 months ago

      It sounds like being a train driver would be a job choice for you. Not sure if you need to be qualified to drive metro trains before you can get to do the long distance ones (given they also run in towns). But you'd probably enjoy metro trains as well - even though there are a lot of people on the trains you don't interact with them as a driver, the only interaction is putting out the wheelchair ramp as needed. Downside is hitting the occassional person which can be stressful.

      • Baku@aussie.zone
        10 months ago

        I thought about that and used to really want to (although I was leaning slightly more towards vline than metro). But train driver positions usually draw a lot of applicants, and out of those they accept almost none

        • Rusty Raven @aussie.zoneM
          10 months ago

          Don't count it out because of statistics. If you have the right qualities for the job one of the people they do accept could very well be you.

          Obviously having other options as well is important, but I know a lot of people who have gotten those sorts of competetive jobs. It never hurts to try.

        • Nath@aussie.zone
          10 months ago

          Maybe look into WA then? I've seen driver ads more than once - possibly not a popular choice here.

    • mysticgreg@aussie.zone
      10 months ago

      I've thought EXACTLY the same.

      I've gone down the occasional rabbit hole of watching YouTube videos of this kind of thing, and I think there may have been a TV series a few years back following drivers and crews of different trains around the country, these Nullarbor ones included. Plus the whole Ghan slow-travel thing on SBS too.

      • Baku@aussie.zone
        10 months ago

        Yeah, I was up watching videos of the really long freight trains last night until 2:30

  • calhoon2005@aussie.zone
    10 months ago

    Man I hate mornings after a big fight with my partner.

    Turn Back Time plays whilst they sip their coffee....

  • Gibsonisafluffybutt@aussie.zone
    10 months ago

    Both my references were contact today, one missed the call and will call back Monday. Not celebrating yet, but definitely getting closer to victory!

  • fullkitwanker@aussie.zone
    10 months ago

    *removed externally hosted image*

    Yah or nah for the lighting? Please ignore the massive mess.

    It's also not as bright in the photo. Like maybe 30% ish of that

  • Electronic_Owl@aussie.zone
    10 months ago

    Just used a Container Deposit Scheme machine for the first time, easy and fast to use, quite fun actually. I got $7 back and now there's less to go in our home recycling.

  • Pilk@aussie.zone
    10 months ago

    Th*nksg*v*ng is the clearest reminder that the internet is American and the rest of us are just visiting.

    • Pilk@aussie.zone
      10 months ago

      Speaking of America, I hope the new Jamba juice place gives Boost a scare. They've been too comfy for too long.

  • StudSpud The Starchy@aussie.zone
    10 months ago

    Done with work, I am ded.
    Gonna eat dinner,
    Then play mobile games in bed.
    Work again
    At 8 AM
    I'd better order my coffin
    Before all the sales end.

  • melbaboutown@aussie.zone
    10 months ago
    TW Chronic pain, TMI medical issues, suicide.


    Yeah, I'm pretty tough and try not to complain but this pain is debilitating. It has been for a very long time. It's been slowly and steadily worsening to the point I'm not really able to eat anymore, am in pain everyday like my guts are eating themselves and have gone from being borderline impacted at most times to constantly having the runs for no reason. Mostly bedbound at this point and the things I can do are severely diminished. This isn't even my main fucking disability. I am medically complex.

    I've been seeking help for at least 15 years, closer to 20 now. I've taken the meds that are supposed to dull the pain. Had all the tests. I've done the liquid medical diets. Have admitted myself to emergency department repeatedly in the past, and have had drs/specialists be pretty rude and indifferent about it, telling me it's psychosomatic, or dismissing me as a drug seeker. I've been denied more tests by the gastroenterologists despite the last ones being 6 years ago and an important one being unsuccessful. Seeking a second opinion got me charged out the nose and handballed back. I've also been denied a J tube that would feed me abdominally.

    This is unfortunately a common experience for chronically ill/chronic pain patients. But I'm going to have another crack at the hospital merry go round on Monday and hoping that having someone to back me up helps. Unfortunately Melbcat will have to go into temporary foster care which is so hard for me. (I can't explain to her what's happening, tell her not to be scared or reassure her that I'm coming back. And a run of bad luck means we weren't even able to get her to her vet appointment yet. Every single time we line one up something happens and it falls through.)

    But this chronic severe pain and inability to eat is debilitating, it has been for a long time, and without being dramatic it is genuinely making me consider ending my life if it can't be controlled. I can't just keep doing this anymore.

    I'm not expecting much though. The most likely outcome is waiting hours in the emergency department, experiencing more annoyed dismissive treatment, doing another round of tests just to find nothing, and going right back to trying to cope with and cover up the pain. Probably will have to come back here and tell you guys that nothing has been found or has changed.

    I would undergo surgery if it would help but unfortunately it's high risk for poor results.

    This is the disability/chronic pain experience I'm afraid, at least as a poor/public hospital patient. You eventually go in the too hard basket and start getting blamed. I don't know where to go to from here. There's a lot I want to live for but it's getting so bad that if it wasn't for Melbcat I would already have done it.

    Ps. Please don't offer me suicide helplines. They're actually quite terrible.


    • SituationCake@aussie.zone
      10 months ago

      I’m so sorry to hear you are having such a horrid situation. Hang in there. You can do it. Hope the hospital visit can give you some answers. But also, whilst it is true that sometimes a diagnosis cannot be found, can they work towards some kind of treatment like pain management, diet, counselling to help you manage the situation. If no diagnosis forthcoming, word up the person supporting you to help you ask about how doctors can help lessen the symptoms to improve your quality of life. Perhaps they can refer you to a pain management specialist? A physician? I very much hope you can find some relief.

      • melbaboutown@aussie.zone
        10 months ago

        Thanks. I really hope for some answers as the previous efforts have been very cookie cutter with little result.

        I’ve been to pain management clinics before for different issues and left because it wasn’t suiting. (I was unable to manage the physical therapy and was afraid of the prescription painkillers - which incidentally did end up killing my cousin) but am willing to go back and try again.

    • Mittens_meow@aussie.zone
      10 months ago

      Can you get a patient advocate in hospital? I know some states have rules about patients asking for help after being refused.

      I’m sorry you’re going through this, I spent years getting diagnosed with gastroparesis after many dismissals from specialists who didn’t even do the basic test. Was also told it’s stress, anxiety, psychological etc.

      Anyway peg/j tubes are fairly standard things if one can’t eat /digest properly, what is their pushback reason on those?

      Chronic pain is a hard problem to solve, pain specialists are super expensive and just seemed to push infusions or other medications rather than trying to work out the source. I had no success with them tbh. Have you read “explain pain”? (Apologies if you’re already aware of this and it’s not helpful).

      • melbaboutown@aussie.zone
        10 months ago

        I haven’t read it, thanks for the suggestion.

        The specialist tells me that they don’t do it because of risks. My main disability also means poor wound healing that could lead to complications, and I’m being told that it could end up being permanent.

        Having read up on it I agree but I am getting desperate.

    • fullkitwanker@aussie.zone
      10 months ago

      Hey mate I don't have much to offer but I'm very sorry that you're going through this and I hope you get through this safely. My DMs are always open if you want to have a chat though :)

      Share a pic of melbcat?

  • 00Steve@aussie.zone
    10 months ago

    Covid got me. Luckily even milder than last time, couple of days of a blocked nose and a bit of fatigue but thats it. Just really want to leave the house!!!!

  • CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone
    10 months ago

    Oooooo. Last night's spicy korean noodle soup and spicy dumplings hurt me this morning. Oooooo when will I ever learn.