Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • Catfish@aussie.zone
    10 months ago

    It’s my insane little idiot’s Gotcha Day., but he refuses to pose with new toy. So here’s an old one. First day as office cat. *removed externally hosted image*

    • Rusty Raven @aussie.zoneM
      10 months ago

      That is a fine feline friend.

      You inspired me to look up my own pets Gotcha Days. Mr Woof has his 10th Gotcha Day next year, meaning he will be about 12 years old - nearly a teenager! Miss Meow will have her 3rd in January, meaning she will be older than 3. The rescue I got her from told me was 6 months old, some of the paperwork had her as 4 years, and the vet that did her dental work thought she might be 2. And of course a lady will never divulge.

  • Pilk@aussie.zone
    10 months ago

    Can we talk about how bottled soda water is now $1.20 when it used to be 70c? Even at ALDI.

    I didn't realise carbon dioxide and water have become so expensive.

  • Catfish@aussie.zone
    10 months ago

    Boyo currently crying and hyperventilating after trying to burn out his not-Covid with Buldak noodles and a disgusting concoction called Fire Cider. I call dibs on first use of the bathroom tomorrow morning.

  • the_procrastinata@aussie.zone
    10 months ago

    *removed externally hosted image* Würzburg Christmas market!

    (I can’t work out how to crop it, so sorry if it’s still sideways).

  • Seagoon_@aussie.zone
    10 months ago

    tee hee, this is the blouse imma gonna wear for xmas, it has angry skworls and I love it 🤭


    *removed externally hosted image*

  • just_kitten@aussie.zone
    10 months ago

    Well the good news is I thought I was getting closer to 90% of my allocated hours for this project but I'm still at 78% and I smashed out one bit that I thought would take 2 days, in 3.5 hours. Thank fuck!

    Not finishing everything before I go on Thursday, but I've decided I'll take my work laptop after all and bash out the rest over the next week and then I have a completely clear mind for the rest of December :D and then maybe I can finally leave my job for real once I'm back...

  • CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone
    10 months ago

    I haven't shot any flies yet even after I opened the garage door and waited.

    At first the roomies laughed at me. Now who's asking "can I'va go"?

  • SpinMeAround@aussie.zone
    10 months ago

    At a set of traffic lights this morning, glanced in my rear view and noticed the lass driving the car behind me was curling her eyelashes. Didn’t think much of it, until we’re then doing 80km/hr and I checked my rear views and saw that she was doing her mascara. I’m down for a bit of multitasking, but that just seems dangerous.

  • bull⚡@aussie.zone
    10 months ago

    I think I need to take a break from binge re-watching Buffy. It's giving me stressful dreams. Not about monsters or demons but there's always some crisis going on in that show and it's contagious.

      • bull⚡@aussie.zone
        10 months ago

        Last episode I watched was The Body so 3/4 through season 5. Yeah the gang grows up and the show matures with them.

        • Taleya@aussie.zone
          10 months ago

          ugh yeah no one needs the slow grinding of s6 with everything going on in reality rn

        • Electronic_Owl@aussie.zone
          10 months ago

          We've just finished binging on all four seasons of Ugly Betty, watched the last ever episode last night. I'm a middle-aged man with no interest in fashion, but that show is great - brilliant acting and story arcs, and it matures the characters so well.

  • SituationCake@aussie.zone
    10 months ago

    Was at Bunnings and noticed they have expanded their cleaning products aisle. Way cheaper than supermarket, especially the dishwasher tablets. Purchased some basil seedlings. Haven’t had great success in the past, because they burn if too sunny, get leggy if too shady. I’ve selected a spot that gets morning sun and afternoon dappled shade, hopefully that will keep them happy.

  • Thornburywitch@aussie.zone
    10 months ago

    Lamb has catastrophically dropped in price - $10-99 per kilo from the butcher for a whole 12 kg lamb. At this time of year, probably two-tooth or hogget rather than lamb lamb but whooeee! Time to stock the freezer. Six months ago lamb was more like $26-00 per kilo at Colesworth.

    • bananafungus@aussie.zone
      10 months ago

      Pick up a bunch on the cheap the other day as well.

      I think I read somewhere that farmers were culling in prep for the summer heat being insane this year, so the price is predicted to drop right down for a bit.

  • Dalek Thal@aussie.zone
    10 months ago

    Reasons I hate PTV #6487:

    Trains are down so I caught a tram. It has now been an hour, and I'm only about two-thirds home.

    It would've literally been faster to walk.

    Where the fuck is the oversight?

    • Nath@aussie.zone
      10 months ago

      One of my fantasies while living in Melbourne (Through the worst of the Connex and the early Metro years) was to magically teleport Transperth trains and operations onto the Melbourne network for a month. The whole system. I know it can't really be done.

      But to somehow show Melbournians how a train network could run in this country would really drive home how bad the trains were in Melbourne.

      In related news: The train network in Perth was never privatised.