I get it, doomerism is unhelpful in a lot of ways and comes across as unproductive, fine.

But some people on this site seem to be under the impression that it's something that's easy to snap out of, or that people just need to harden the fuck up and do something about the state of the world instead of wallowing, or even worse, insinuating that people go doomer for attention.

Depression is paralysing. It makes it hard to do anything. It's a real mental illness with devastating effects on your mind and body. Nobody chooses to go through that hell.

Doomerism isn't something you can just bully people out of. It's a natural response to a very real situation. How do you expect people to react to the literal end of the world? People feel hopeless, trapped, and powerless.

People feeling like shit about the state of the world is understandable and should not be met with the same kind of dismissive bootstrap bullshit chuds say.

Yes, being paralysed by depression can be unproductive and frustrating for those who want to get shit done, but it's even more frustrating for the people suffering through it and they need your support, not your contempt.