I hope you had him with Yurt_Owl, you could ask if we can host parties at their yurt and all get fucked up on pellets
I keep telling you, stop smoking my pellets!
It's fuckin' weird!
Don't listen to them Dessert_Owl, they're just being nasty and lashing out because they have a stand mixer-less Yurt
Hey Yurt_Owl, you have the body of a Yurt or of an owl?
Come to think of it guys, I'm starting to think maybe this Yurt owl doesn't exist, especially since dodging the question about having a stand mixer. What kind of Yurt-dweller doesn't have a stand mixer? And who lives in a Yurt with all the happiness that would bring, and yet would so viciously argue with Dessert_Owl? I haven't quite pieced it together yet, but I have a horrible feeling Shirt_Owl is behind these shenanigans...