• tatterdemalion@programming.dev
    6 months ago

    "how to write sloppy rust code and squander most of the advantages of the language"

    Only half serious. But I think really the only point that I agree with is taking the easy way out with the borrow checker. I mean, at least try to borrow when it's idiomatic, but if you get frustrated, clone (or move) instead.

    Error handling when done well is not much harder than unwrapping everything, and you get many advantages. Learn to use thiserror for your library crates and anyhow for executables.

    I also agree that you should avoid unsafe 99% of the time. If you think you need it, you probably don't.

    • snaggen@programming.dev
      6 months ago

      I see this post as an advice to learn gradually, and to write sloppy but painless code initially. Then when you have the basics, you can add the more idiomatic and tricky parts.