Hey Overton window, how’s it going?


  • duderium [he/him]
    9 months ago

    CNN and the NYT have been doing this Fox News migrant shit for months now, manufacturing consent for when Biden makes a deal with the Republicans to fund Ukraine (more Nazism at the border in exchange for more Nazism in Ukraine, as a treat). But it’s the communists and the fascists who are actually the same.

  • Pluto [he/him, he/him]
    9 months ago

    If CNN is now 2015 Fox News...

    Oh God, I don't want to see 2023/2024 Fox News now...

    (And I never will at this point...)

    • the_itsb [she/her, comrade/them]
      9 months ago

      I see it occasionally at my parents' house, and it wasn't as horrifically bloodthirsty as I thought it would be, given the CNN/NYT stuff that gets posted here. It's still awful, but the bits I've seen are less awful than I expected.

      • Pluto [he/him, he/him]
        9 months ago

        Oh, but that's probably because the worst of CNN and NYT are posted here (even if "the worst" happens a bit more often than one might expect). So of course, we have an exaggerated picture of such outlets. That is not to say that they are inaccurate because they're not. But, for example, Tucker Carlson had "cogent moments" but was largely pretty bad and always played himself off as being a "only sane guy," even at times taking position that the radical left might take, such as on Syria or Russiagate. However, most of what has been said by Tucker Carlson, from my understanding, could be considered mundane or standard and that goes for CNN and NYT. Mundanely right-wing, to be sure, but it's not the frothing-at-your-mouth extremely ultra-right bullshit you see posted about on Twitter, for example.

        Also, Fox News of even 2019 gave me nightmares that I stopped keeping up with it as much as possible since then.

        It would be nice if there was a more scientific analysis of these networks and media (maybe even putting them side by side) and not simply curated posts, anecdotes, and actual events involving said media outlets (such as what happens on, say, Twitter, where the worst of the worst is given of these media outlets all the time, but we know they aren't always saying something dumb, but usually pretty mundane; it's those non-mundane parts that get you in the end, though...)

  • robinn_IV
    9 months ago

    Me checking the notice given to the migrants who had their conditions worsened due to imperialism

  • dead [he/him]
    9 months ago

    Did you read the article? Stop posting screenshot of headlines without reading the article. The article is not about mysterious migrant buses. The article is about Texas putting migrants on buses and sending them to other states. Texas has shipped 90,000 legal migrants to Democrat states while claiming that the migrants were illegal immigrants, often times lying to the migrants and then abandoning them.

    Most of the migrants are from Venezuela and seeking asylum legally in the US. Texas is bussing them to other states to create a conspiracy theory that there is an immigration crisis by sending legal immigrants to Demcorat states. It's a really messed up that Texas is doing this and Biden isn't even doing anything to stop Texas.


    Stop posting misinformation.

    • Pluto [he/him, he/him]
      9 months ago

      Doesn't matter, tbh, not to me having gotten radicalized at around 2010.

      It was bad then.

      And it's terribad now