How's the New Year celebrated in your family or country? What traditions do you have?

  • DankZedong
    9 months ago

    I will celebrate with my gf and her sisters and partners and kids. We'll have some drinks, listen to some music, play some games and eat fried dough balls.

    Usually there is lots of fireworks in The Netherland, even with the government banning them. I've seen on the news that a person already died because he was messing around with fireworks and the firemen spent the entire night fighting fires caused by fireworks. To be honest I'd rather have a firework show done by professionals like we have in Belgium, but that goes against 'muh Dutch freedoms' so morons can throw around actual bombs all week long.

    There is also this list on the state radio called Top 2000 where you can vote on the best music that has ever been made. Normally I like it but this year it somehow pisses me off. Lots of rock and metal music and the livestream is filled with boomers in accountant outfits doing air guitars to the pinnacle of human made music, which coincidentally exists of mostly white people with guitars it seems.

    Anyway I sound a bit sour but I will have fun regardless.

    9 months ago

    I get the privilege of working every nye so i dont lose my appartment. No I dont get holiday pay. Id rather drink with my friends.

    9 months ago

    In the bathroom, at home instead of at my friend's party this year because I'm sick with a bit of food poisoning. Not really a tradition though.

    9 months ago

    Personally: I work. I am in hospitality so Christmas/New Years is the busiest time of the year, especially christmas. Basically all hands on deck, even if I am back office.

    Generally in my country, it's the one day that everyone is off (basically minus city services and hotels) so tends to go back home. Everything is closed, so the western style party new years isn't a big thing outside of Tokyo. Fireworks aren't common either, those are a summer thing here. People sit at home with their familyand watch the [absolutely awful] new years specials.

    I don't mind working, I would rather do that than have to watch another multi-hour long new years TV comedy special.