Comrades Please sit down, take a celebratory box of Cuban cigars and a bottle of Cuban Rum, so we may Celebrate Cuban Liberation Day together 🇨🇺 ! As Comrade Castro said "If you smoke, you can smoke them; if you have any friends who smoke, you can share with them; but the best thing you can do with this box of cigars is give them to your enemy", we do have donation boxes for the Yankees, Zionists and Fascist at the front.

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Oh, and I have also been informed I should to wish you a happy new year, and a good Juche 113, but lets be honest, we are all here for Cuban Liberation day right?

  • 小莱卡
    9 months ago

    I hate how old people refuse to have any accountability. "oh things are bad right now, its the young people fault", as if everything just materialized when we were born.

  • DankZedong
    9 months ago

    For weeks now it seems we are having never ending rain and wind. I have to dodge flooded streets now when I go to work. Yay climate change.

    • DankZedong
      9 months ago

      Shortly after typing this comment several states announced that they are switching to a disaster plan due to high risk of flooding. Fun times.

      9 months ago

      The worst thing about it is that, while you are having floods in Belgium, below in Catalunya (Spain) we are in a super long drought. We have been with "save water" messages from the government for a couple of months now.

      Yay climate change indeed...

  • Catfish [she/her]
    9 months ago

    I'm so excited to go home today. I've spent the holidays with my family and at first it was pleasant but living on the commune I just got so used to all the open space and nature. I feel like I've been trapped in a tiny box for the past month. I can't wait to see my comrades again. 😭

      • Catfish [she/her]
        9 months ago

        Yeah we're a Marxist agricultural commune in the US. I take care of goats and sheep and shit, might be getting rid of the sheep soon though because the ram is a dangerous asshole and none of the ewes will let him hit which kind of defeats the purpose of having him.

          • Catfish [she/her]
            9 months ago

            Their wool doesn't make a lot of money, we were hoping to sell lambs to make a bit more but as it is right now we can't keep them just to sell their wool twice a year because we don't break even with the amount we have to spend on feed, dewormer, minerals, etc..

            Edit: I just realized the implication of replacing him with a different ram, but the reason we're not doing that either is because we're about to have a child born on the commune and rams are extremely dangerous.

            • Looming
              9 months ago

              Okay that's a good reason to get rid of the ram for sure, if it is a danger to the child. How about keeping one sheep for good luck, cuddles and floofyness? (I'm being stupid. I realize life on the commune is guided by more realistic principles than floof and cuddles)

              • Catfish [she/her]
                9 months ago

                I wish we could but sheep are social animals and need to have at least one other sheep buddy to be happy :<

                I have a little sheep plushie at least that is sufficient in cuddlyness and floofyness for when I do start to miss them ;~;

    9 months ago

    I am planning on making a thread later about abusive parenting before, during, and after the Third Reich, with a link to an examination of Adolf Schicklgruber’s childhood. I’m sure that somebody reading this is going to groan since psychohistory has often been a misleading attempt to explain everything, but my conclusion may surprise you.

        9 months ago
        Because saying his actual name makes me feel dirty and vile. It almost makes me want to reach for some mouthwash.

        Although there is another reason:

        There are many weird twists of fate in the strange life of Adolf Hitler, but none more odd than this one which took place thirteen years before his birth. Had the eighty‐four‐year‐old wandering miller not made his unexpected reappearance to recognize the paternity of his thirty‐nine‐year‐old son nearly thirty years after the death of the mother, Adolf Hitler would have been born Adolf Schicklgruber.

        There may not be much or anything in a name, but I have heard Germans speculate whether Hitler could have become the master of Germany had he been known to the world as Schicklgruber. It has a slightly comic sound as it rolls off the tongue of a South German. Can one imagine the frenzied German masses acclaiming a Schicklgruber with their thunderous “Heils”? “Heil Schicklgruber!”?

        Not only was “Heil Hitler!” used as a Wagnerian, paganlike chant by the multitude in the mystic pageantry of the massive [Fascist] rallies, but it became the obligatory form of greeting between Germans during the Third Reich, even on the telephone, where it replaced the conventional “Hello.” “Heil Schicklgruber!”? It is a little difficult to imagine.


  • DankZedong
    9 months ago

    The Belgian government is going to buy 94 electric busses from Chinese company BYD and libs on reddit are losing it, because they could have also chosen a Belgian company. They are mentioning VDL as a possible manufacturer which is strange because VDL isn't Belgian either, it's Dutch lol. And VDL also only delivered 2 out of 24 busses the government has ordered so far.

    Cope. Seeth. Cry.

    • DankZedong
      9 months ago

      I want to change my opinion on this to show how utterly stupid the government is here. There are actual Belgian companies producing busses. A company like Van Hool has been making them for 75 years now. They have the capacity for it. 65% of the 2300 Van Hool employees are currently on temporarily unemployment, meaning that the company doesn't have enough work for their employers. The state pays their wages for now. Every month.

      The reason they chose BYD is because they were a bit cheaper. But the societal costs far outweigh the money saved it seems. This is the same government that urges everyone to 'buy locally as much as possible'. Idiots.

    9 months ago

    Oh no! CNN says “America’s back.” The empire’s here to stay, tankies wrong as usual. The economy’s fuckin’ great, nothing to see here! Also, CCP admits they’re collapsing!

    9 months ago

    is this correct?

    "Undoubtedly the most unattractive women in the world are the Indian women, undoubtedly. The most sexless, nothing, these people. I mean, people say, what about the Black Africans? Well, you can see something, the vitality there, I mean they have a little animallike charm, but God, those Indians, ack, pathetic. Uch.” - President Nixon