What about the Harvey Wallbanger? The one he does on the Andorian where he kicks off the wall?
My searches for the other gifs I linked led me to a gold mine of these KirkFu moves that someone posted to imgur.
They called this one "Wall of Destruction"
ShowAnd here are the rest just because:
Only fair to credit Treklit author (and former marine) Dayton Ward for his Kirk-fu 2020 book and for coining the term.
ShowHere’s an interview with Ward from the time of its release.
Coining the term? Using fu as a suffix has been around since the Bruce Lee era.
Yes, ‘blank-Fu’ has been used since the 70s, but as a long time fan of both Trek and HK action films, I can’t say that what Shatner was doing in TOS was referred to in that way until recently.
Is it really so controversial to say 1) Kirk Fu became current in the fandom since the book was published; & 2) the meme is a clear lift from a published work and the drawings its artist Christian Cornia, they deserve credit?
Omg that Gorn fight cracks me up every time - it's like they forgot to speed up the tape in post-production https://youtu.be/4SK0cUNMnMM