The God's Not Dead franchise continues in God's Not Dead: We the People as Reverend Dave (White) is called to defend a group of Christian homeschooling families. He finds himself taken aback by the interference of the government, and believing that their right to educate their own children is a freedom worth fighting for
US American parents - and especially white evangelical American parents - are obsessed with the idea that anyone under 18 is the personal property of their parents, and they should be completely free to indoctrinate kids AND shield them from any sort of outside influence. These people would get violent should there be any sort of even a weak push for some basic children's rights.
US American parents - and especially white evangelical American parents - are obsessed with the idea that anyone under 18 is the personal property of their parents, and they should be completely free to indoctrinate kids AND shield them from any sort of outside influence. These people would get violent should there be any sort of even a weak push for some basic children's rights.
america is the only country that has not ratified the un convention on the rights of the child