I guess good things do occasionally happen in hellword. :sicko-crowd:
News article here: https://archive.md/KtPOG
Not happy about this. Was the only confederate monument that had real comedic value.
It should have been left up for people to point and laugh at it.
Are they just throwing it out? Would look great in some communist's backyard.
Anyone have a neighbor who flies a Confederate flag? You could own them so hard with this thing.
Imagine being a "mUh sOuTh wIlL rIsE aGaiN" type guy, and every day you have to see that face staring into your yard lmao
I dunno. Apparently the Lee statue that got taken down is being melted down and made in to coins?
I'll miss replying to "but these statues are art" with closeups of his stupid face, but overall it's a good thing to have the statue gone. Forrest was a monster.
Even though I knew what it would be, I still started laughing when I saw it. It's just so good!
You can keep doing it. Best case scenario, you get them malding about the statue being trashed and then bask in their tears.
lol and they're just destroying it instead of trying to move it :dean-malice:
The crane operator when their hand "slipped" :troll:
Everybody is like "I hope they destroy it" and I'm thinking they haven't seen the statue because it was pretty well destroyed when it was made.
The statue is being relocated to a more appropriate place - a trash dump.
There's another story here
In his will, he left $5 million for his Border Collie, Lulu — a number which has since been reduced considerably.