Top 10 Most Dangerous Intersections for Cyclists in Bloomington, Indiana
Visualization of 2003-2022 cyclist-involved crash data. Hexes count number of crashes at those locations while triangles are crash locations.
Big surprise here is 11th and Fee, the #2 spot. 10 of 13 of those have a primary factor of "failure to yield" or "improper turning". My guess is drivers turning onto Fee from garage on 11th, pulling in front of cyclists traveling fast southbound on Fee.
Comparing Top Crash locations involves peds and cyclists in Bloomington, Indiana
Here, the blue-ish hexes are top ped crash locations. Counts are on top. Reddish hexes with counts on the bottom of the hexes at cyclists-involved crash counts.
Most of the top intersections are not the same across modes.
Where they are almost equally dangerous for both modes are the corridors along Eagleson, Third and 10th.
Data for both maps comes from here:
Top 25 Most Dangerous intersections for Cyclists in Bloomington
Like the Top-10 map, this is a visualization of 2003-2022 cyclist-involved crash data. Hexes count number of crashes at those locations while triangles are crash locations.
Data for both maps comes from here: