Why do these companies even feel the need to take a stance on this?
Virtue signaling is a helluval drug. Unfortunately this has already aged poorly.
When was it a good time to even take a position like the "Israeli Palistinian conflict"?
I remember people just not wanting to talk about it.
Here is a silly song about not wanting to be part of this planet anymore related to the "conflict" https://invidious.private.coffee/watch?v=pZngz6Jv14E
I also found this 10 years ago. https://invidious.private.coffee/watch?v=pyRqstSA-ug
It's marketing. They make a twitter post or put a statement on their website, then it becomes "news" that the company did that. The company receives publicity from those who agree and disagree with them.
best to assume every group, institution, collective, whatever, in the west is reactionary until proven otherwise. less of a let down that way.