The Labour MP Kate Osamor has had the whip suspended while she is investigated for saying Gaza should be remembered as a genocide on Holocaust Memorial Day.

The MP for Edmonton in north London is due to meet party whips on Monday after issuing an apology over the message she sent on the eve of the day that marks the murder of 6 million Jews during the second world war.

    11 months ago

    I think what she said (timing wise at least) was pretty politically naïve in that it paints a giant red target on her back...

    But is this really the level at which we're withdrawing the whip from Labour MPs now?

    Jesus Christ. A few years ago a sitting MP could go out and say she'd stab the party leader "in the front" and nobody said a bloody word about it.

      11 months ago

      Starmar wants to win. He cannot afford the right wing media to go after him. A right wing media that is rabidly anti Palestinian. So yeah, he is clamping down on any Palestinian related comments.

      Don't blame him personally... It's our media landscape that is lop sided.

        11 months ago

        A Labour party which will not stand up to the right-wing media might as well not be in office.

            11 months ago

            It's been 45 years of Tories because we do not have an opposition, just a party that thinks the best it can do is keep the Tories' seats warm for them.

    11 months ago

    There's no way she didn't know the backlash this would have caused for her and for the way her party will be seen this close to an election. Just brain dead to fall out of the party line with an election looming. And an MP for North London! Edmonton no less! Fuck me, she should have known better.