
  1. The time traveller is able to travel backward and forward through time (max forward is 2074) and they can only transport things that can fit in a small backpack.

  2. You can choose when the 3 hours begin but it has to be in 2024 and once it has begun the timer can't be reset or stopped.

  3. They will answer to the best of their ability but imagine this is a random person from 2074.

    8 months ago

    If I get to ask them to bring something, I guess all the major world news and science media of the previous 50 years on a hard drive would come in handy. I'd use it to bankrupt all the billionionaires and bring peace and prosperity to the world.

      8 months ago

      The power you held would consume you, and you would become the most powerful, rich, and corrupt being the world has ever seen.

    8 months ago

    I'll fucking torture them and steal their time machine. Go forward in time myself collect all stock market data, all the research paper published, all the politicians who got elected, details on all the wars that happened, details on all the influential people, etc. And then go back as far as possible and establish a secret society with me at the helm of and achieve complete world domination ....ultimate rice pudding..... Shout out to exurb1a

    8 months ago

    I give them some water, because it is probably pretty scarce and valuable by 2074. Then I ask them if they remembered to bring me the lottery ticket numbers for the big lottery that I win in October of 2024.

    8 months ago

    Ask why. Then probably work on subversion... because it is seriously doubtful they've come back for any good reason.

    8 months ago

    First couple of minutes would be nice to catch up with world events. I would take some time to find money making strategies, like learning what to invest in, or what about to buy. If the person has any knowledge about some revolutionary technology, it would be nice to learn about it. Maybe we could use the knowledge to advance mankind. I would also want to learn about things to watch out for. Maybe I should move to some other country because the one I'm in goes to shit.