
  • KobaCumTribute [she/her]
    8 months ago

    How? France is literally still an old-fashioned colonial empire doing the same cartoonishly villainous stuff as ever, just diminished in size a bit, while the rest of Europe forms the imperial core. Liberal historians have lots of brainworms but they're usually at least a bit more aware of what words are than normal liberals.

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    8 months ago

    Sure, fine, why not. Up is down, left is right, let's all put our pants on our heads and run around in circles.

  • JoeByeThen [he/him, they/them]
    8 months ago

    I mean, it wouldn't surprise me. I know a history professor that lends out their copy of Red Famine to their students.

    8 months ago

    Nothing worse than westerner intelligentsia "historians" insisting that they are the only unbiased source on history. The sheer number of times I've got into arguments with them over them just abandoning all of their usual rules about vetting sources properly when it comes to socialist nations is staggering. They'll just ignore all of the usual rules about first and second hand sources, and how enemies of a nation will lie about them in their own propaganda about them and just take everything the west claims about the USSR at face value and will sometimes flatly refuse to look up any first hand Soviet sources because those are "biased"

    It's kind of scary honestly, it's like most westerners, yanks especially, have a switch that is flipped when communism is mentioned and their brains just stop working and go on anti-com autopilot.