An indigenous broadcaster in Canada is paving the way for language revitalisation after a recent decline in native speakers.

Julie Grenier (Inuk from Kuujjuaq) was one of the key speakers at the World Indigenous Television Broadcasters Network conference today alongside Pango production chief executive Bailey Mackey.

Grenier is the director-general for Taqramiut Nipingat Incorporated (TNI), an indigenous regional radio and television production company.

Canada has three indigenous groups called the First Nations (aboriginal people), Inuit and Métis.

Grenier said their mission was to promote the language in hopes of increasing the number of fluent speakers.

full article

  • HelltakerHomosexual [she/her, comrade/them]
    3 months ago

    I'm sad to see how disinterested hexbear seems to be with indigenous politics more than that of some dumb thing stupid person #129038193849281481390418 said this week