• Sodium_nitride@lemmygrad.ml
    4 months ago

    How far exactly into the Indian ocean can Ansar Allah project force? Looking at this shipping routes map, it seems that most ships (in 2012) which were going through the cape town route traveled pretty far south. I doubt Ansar Allah can project force that far south without being stopped by others.

    Am I missing something here? Do ships headed for Israel avoiding the red sea follow along the African coast for some reason? Do the Iranian missles that Ansar Allah now have just have that kind of range? Or is this just against ships coming from the area around South West Asia (so Pakistan, Qatar, India west coast)?

    • KrasnaiaZvezda@lemmygrad.ml
      4 months ago

      I'd guess, if they can indeed project power there, it would mostly be the ships coming from the middle east itself. Unless they got long range drones or a submarine that we don't know about.